In 2021, the global pharmaceutical market reached a volume of USD 1.39 trillion and is expected to reach USD 1.83 trillion in 2026. Following the US and China, which represent more than half of the global pharmaceutical market, Japan, Germany, France and the UK are among the largest pharmaceutical markets. While Türkiye ranked 19th in the global pharmaceutical market in 2021 with a 0.6% share, it is expected to rank 17th in 2026. The world's largest pharmaceutical companies are headquartered mainly in the US, China, Switzerland, the UK, France, Germany and Japan.

Table: Ranking of Turkish Pharma Market in the World

Source: IQVIA

The Turkish pharmaceutical market increased by 78% in value terms in 2022, reaching approximately TL 122 billion. Sales in packs, which had been on a downtrend due to the pandemic, recovered to previous levels in 2021 and 2022.

Chart: Pharmaceutical Sales in Value and Packs over Years

Source: IQVIA Pharmacy and Hospital Data

According to AIFD calculations, 30% of public reimbursed pharmaceutical expenditures, goes to innovative medicines and the rest to generic products or genericized originals.

Chart: 2022 Reimbursed Market Distribution

Source: IQVIA

It is seen that almost all of the Turkish pharmaceutical market, which has a volume of approximately 122 billion TL as of 2022, consists of prescription drugs; 89% of these prescription drugs are within the scope of reimbursement.

Chart: 2022 Monetary Volume Distribution according to Reimbursement Status (%)

Source: IQVIA