As the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD), we have been working for nearly 20 years to strengthen the position of the pharmaceutical industry as a strategic sector, to support the economy and national prosperity, to help raise the issue of patients' access to new treatments due to the exchange rate adjustment policy in Türkiye, and to demonstrate the social and economic value of innovative medicines to patients, physicians, scientists, younger generations and decision makers.

In order to realize the goals set out to position AIFD as a trusted stakeholder in the Turkish healthcare ecosystem, intensive corporate communication activities continued in 2022. Accordingly, the #ÇareBulanaDek (#WeWontRest) campaign, which has been running since 2020, continued with new content supporting the messages. As a follow-up, a new campaign was carried out with the message "Making the Impossible Possible "#impossible. In this context the following message was delivered; "The impossible inspires us to do more. It encourages us to explore new territories and push the boundaries of what we believe is possible. Together, we continue to make the impossible possible with more than 8,000 new medicines and vaccines under development." In addition, videos prepared in treatment areas such as MS, Alzheimer's, Cancer, Rare Diseases and HIV were shared.

Within the scope of EFPIA #impossible and #ÇareBulanaDek (#WeWontRest) campaigns, 13 different videos were shared on AIFD corporate social media accounts with Turkish subtitles.

Started in 2021, the #WeWontRest-#ÇareBulanaDek Conversations Podcast Series, featuring experts from different disciplines, continued in 2022. With 6 new guests, enjoyable science conversations were held on topics such as Biotechnology Ecosystem, Innovative Treatments and Developments in MS Disease, Targeted Chemotherapy and Türkiye's First New Drug Candidate, Biotechnology Ecosystem, Developments in Medicine, Rare Diseases, Startup Ecosystem and Its Impact on the Economy, Access to Innovative Medicine, Science and Entrepreneurship Behind Vaccine Development, Artificial Intelligence in Health.

A market research was conducted with Panacea Research Company using qualitative and quantitative methods with the participation of 220 physicians representing 7 different specialties and 660 people to measure the perception of innovative medicines and the pharmaceutical industry among the public and physicians in line with the vaccines and solution proposals developed by the pharmaceutical industry to combat the pandemic.

According to the results of the survey conducted by AIFD;

General public opinion;

- Attitudes towards pharmaceutical companies changed positively in 34% of the participants after the pandemic,

- 50% of respondents believe that pharmaceutical companies offer effective treatment options for health problems,

- 50% of respondents noted that innovative treatments are difficult to access,

- After the pandemic, it was observed that 50% of the participants had a positive attitude towards participation in clinical trials, but awareness of the value of clinical research was low.

Among Young generation:

- Awareness is high that Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies offer Turkish youth careers, social platforms and information that will shape their future,

- The value of clinical research and the appreciation of studies that lead to innovation have been found to be high.

In the eyes of physicians;

- More than 50% of the physicians participating in the survey have a positive attitude towards the sector, and this attitude is particularly higher among physicians with specialties in Cardiology, Chest Diseases and Internal Medicine,

- 93% of physicians have a positive perception of the importance of clinical trials,

- More than 50% of physicians are satisfied with the industry's communication with them and prioritize face-to-face meetings in their relations with the pharmaceutical industry,

- The frequency of physical visits was reported to be important and need for collaborations is expressed by physicians.

In line with the positive feedback from the survey results, communication activities targeting young people were prioritized.

In order to explain science, the value of innovation in pharmaceuticals and innovation to young people, platforms frequently used by young people were researched and collaborations were realized with 3 selected channels (Aposto, Turkish Dictionary, Popular Science). Simultaneously with these collaborations, a new design was created with the theme of #lookgoodtothefuture (#geleceğeiyibak ) to be used on AIFD social media accounts. After 14 different content and media collaborations prepared to strengthen communication with young people, the number of access, interaction and followers on AIFD social media accounts increased. There was a significant increase in the number of reaches for #Geleceğeiyibak: Instagram 516%, Facebook 125%, Twitter 40%, LinkedIn 160% On a yearly basis, the number of reach and interactions increased by 1000+%.

Agenda sponsorship was realized with Aposto, whose 60% of the audience consists of young people, and we were featured in the Aposto daily newsletter, which reached 67 thousand followers. This content was clicked by an average of 890 people. Within the scope of our collaboration with Turkish Dictionary, we ensured that the definition of the innovative drug was included on this platform and a high level of likes and interaction was achieved, reaching 6,559 on the Turkish Dictionary social media account. In collaboration with Popular Science Magazine, articles on innovative medicine were prepared. Within the scope of the article series that started with "The Age of Innovative Medicines", articles titled "The Basics of Bacteriology" and "Bacteria Discovered, Now It's Time for Treatment" were published. In the first article to be prepared in 2023, the concept of what is meant with new medicine today will be explained and a video in preparation will be shared on Popular Science Magazine social media accounts. The positive feedback from these collaborations, which created interaction among young people about the importance of innovative medicines, the value they create and the steps in the development phase, encouraged us to sign similar collaborations in 2023.

"EFPIA 2021 W.A.I.T. Survey: Survey of Indicators of Patients' Expectation of Access to Innovative Therapies" was one of the most important and effective communication tools in 2022 for communicating focused messages to stakeholders. The results of the survey were shared in a controlled manner via the AIFD website and different communication tools. Following an interview with Yasemin Salih, Editor of “Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Gazetesi” (How an Economy Newspaper), a news article titled "Türkiye Cannot Buy 79 Percent of New Pharmaceuticals." was published in Nasıl Bir Ekonomi media channel on April 11, 2022. Both the exchange rate regulation and adjustment and access to innovative medicines in our country have been on the agenda of many media outlets throughout the year. Especially with the exchange rate adjustment made in December, special questions from media were answered, such as Nasıl Bir Ekonomi, Hürrriyet, Anadolu Agency, Yeni Şafak and our sector-oriented messages were reflected in 482 media outlets and reached approximately 9,613,615 people.

Another important communication tool in 2022 was the Innovative Medicines Symposium held on December 7 at Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus. Symposium communication was realized through press releases, social media content and website content. A press release titled "Stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem discussed the future of innovative medicines at the Innovative Medicines Symposium" was published and a special interview was held with Diken Health Editor Mesude Erşan and Workshop Editor Doğa Uğurel after the event. With these communication activities, approximately 2,713,445 people were reached with the news titled "Innovative medicines extend life expectancy and AIFD will support the solution of the healthcare system's problems".

In 2022, communication activities were also carried out within the scope of clinical research, BIO Startup Program and Rare Diseases. The report titled "Benefits of a Clinical Research Strategy for Turkey - Roadmap for Innovation-Based Growth" prepared by research company IQVIA, Rare Diseases, BIO Startup Program were communicated with 2 exclusive interviews, 9 written Q&As, 18 social media posts and 6 newsletter posts. A press invitation was made to the Demo Day event where 11 entrepreneurs participating in the BIO Startup Program made presentations. A video prepared for the occasion was shared on social media along with other content. In total, 238 controlled news items were covered in the press, reaching 4,722,423 people, excluding TV. Looking at the total for the whole year, 145 social media content was shared, and 17,458,743 people were reached through 877 news items, excluding TV and radio access.

On March 8, Women's Day, the opinions of Turkish women who pioneered innovation in the world, taken from 21 member companies in 2022, were shared on AIFD social media accounts with the hashtag #innovationpioneers.

In 2022, a presentation was also prepared to more effectively communicate AIFD's value story, mission and key priorities. Some selected messages from the AIFD value story were transformed into social media content and high-level meetings were held on access to innovation, and EFPIA W.A.I.T. data, Clinical Trials and the Value of Innovation topics were conveyed in meetings with the media and by participating in the 48th National Hematology Congress and HIV Congress.