Sustainability and Climate Working Group
Climate change due to global warming was high on the agenda of the pharmaceutical industry in 2022, as it was for all sectors. Climate change, air pollution and other environmental challenges have been at the center of global efforts, particularly the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, while increasing health problems worldwide and deepening existing inequality as a result.

Considering the outputs of the international climate negotiations held between October 31 and November 13, 2021, the entry into force of the Paris Climate Agreement in our country on November 10, 2021, the duties of countries at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the European Green Deal compliance studies carried out by our country, it was decided to prioritize and strategize climate and sustainability issues on the AIFD agenda and a working group on "Sustainability and Climate" was established within the AIFD in order to add a structural quality to our individual studies on the subject.

The aforementioned Working Group carries out its activities to monitor the development of national environmental trends and regulations and to formulate strategies accordingly, to evaluate the successful work carried out by our companies on climate and sustainability issues, and to investigate the management of pharmaceutical waste, and to prioritize in 2023 especially pharmaceutical waste used by households, both in the world and in our country. Attempts have already been made to cooperate with municipalities on pharmaceutical waste.

On the other hand, within the scope of information activities on climate and sustainability issues, a comprehensive information seminar was held for our member companies on January 24, 2022 with the participation of officials from the Ministry of Trade, UNDP and EFPIA to evaluate the impacts of the European Green Deal on the pharmaceutical industry. Similarly, information sharing meetings were organized by the representatives of our member companies participating in the working group to share information on the studies and projects carried out by their companies on sustainability.