EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) Meetings

Within the scope of the Türkiye Regulatory Network, which is a part of EFPIA, as every year, 4 regular meetings were held in 2022 in February, May, September and December.

During these meetings, AIFD shared information on current developments in Türkiye, while presentations were made by valuable speakers from EFPIA on important topics of importance where our SMC members need updated information for the decision making, topics such as; current developments on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and biosimilars, analysis processes in Europe, electronic instructions for use, etc.

Joint Strategy Meeting

On November 22, 2022, a Türkiye Joint Strategy Meeting was held with the participation of representatives of EFPIA and PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) and members of the AIFD Strategic Management Committee.

The meeting started with an update on the current macro-environment by our Secretary General Ümit Dereli and continued with the presentation of the 2022 activities of our Strategic Management Committees operating within AIFD, followed by the contributions of EFPIA and PhRMA representatives.

Drug Information Association (DIA) EUROPE Meeting

With the joint initiative of AIFD and EFPIA, a special session was organized for TITCK at the DIA Europe meeting held in Brussels on March 29-31, 2022.

During the session "Turkiye: Roadmap for Regulatory Excellence" moderated by Virginia Acha, Head of EFPIA Turkey Network; Asım Hocaoğlu, Vice President of TITCK, and Handan Öztunca, Head of Regulatory Department, gave on the activities carried out by TITCK in the fields of Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs, respectively, while on behalf of AIFD, Nihan Burul Bozkurt, made a presentation on the activities carried out under the umbrella of AIFD within the scope of the vision of "A Healthier Future".