The export performance, which exceeded USD 1 billion in 2018 and reached USD 1.9 billion in 2021, reveals that, compared to global foreign trade in pharmaceuticals, the sector is below its potential and far from global competitiveness..

A look at the top 10 countries in exports and imports in the global pharmaceutical trade reveals that the largest exporters (developing and producing pharmaceuticals) are also the largest importers. This shows the complex nature of the production chain of the pharmaceutical sector and the fact that no country, including the world's leading exporters, is 100% self-sufficient.

Therefore, a comparative analysis of Türkiye's foreign trade with other countries reveals that imports are not high in absolute terms, but that we are negatively differentiated from other countries due to our relatively low pharmaceutical exports.

Table: Worldwide Pharmaceutical Imports and Exports

*Source: Trade Map (HS4 Kod: 2934-39, 2942, 3001-04, 3006)