AIFD attended the Rare Diseases Panel at Istanbul Medeniyet University

Istanbul Medeniyet University Rare Diseases Student Community İMÜNADİR organized a Panel for Rare Diseases at Göztepe Training and Research Hospital on 29 February. TÜSEB’s President of Community Health and Chronic Diseases Institute, Prof. Dr. İlhan Satman, Dr. Murat Gülşen from SHGM Autism, Mental Special Needs and Rare Diseases Department, EJP RD Turkey Program Coordinator Dr. Jale Şahin from TÜBİTAK and many academicians who are experts in the field of rare diseases attended the event. Ayşe Nur Hananel, AIFD’s Rare Diseases Task Force Lead, made a presentation on rare diseases and orphan drugs.
The panelists shared their perspectives and the upcoming projects on rare diseases within 2020. The need for collaboration for faster diagnosis of rare diseases and access to innovative medicines was the essential message of the event.