One of the most important contributions of AIFD and member companies of Turkey's economy and society is to support innovation. AIFD published reports on R&D in pharmaceuticals in Turkey and the world, policy recommendations and development areas to attract attention to innovation. In line with this, AIFD launched a new program called “BIO Startup” to support the startups that are the carriers of innovation. The main motive of this approach is the fact that innovations are generated by startups. As a matter of fact, out of 118 new products approved between 2016-2018 by FDA, 65% were generated by startups.

The BIO Startup Program, which was launched in 2019, aims to play an accelerator role in the access of bio-entrepreneurs to global connections and in the enhancement of biotech startups. 65 bioentrepreneurs applied in 2019 to Turkey's first and only themed biotech startup accelerator program, BIO Startup Program. Entrepreneurs who completed the online training and mentoring process attended the Bio-Entrepreneurship Camp and received training and mentoring from expert trainers and leading industry professionals. The startups participating in the camp also had the opportunity to get in touch with the representatives of AIFD member global companies and benefit from their experiences.

In BIO Startup Demo Day at BIOExpo in Istanbul, 5 bio-entrepreneurs were selected by the jury among 11 entrepreneurs; the selected five were entitled to participate in the world's most important biotechnology organisation, “BIO Convention” in USA. During the US program, they got in touch with different actors of the international ecosystem such as investors, global companies and incubation centers.

BIO Startup Program has an important place in the future of life sciences, innovation and R&D. With this accelerator program, startups were given various trainings such as marketing, licensing and regulations. The startups, who are faced with quite a few innovations in their fields from the beginning of the program, learn to look at their enterprises from different angles thanks to the trainings and start to specialize and work on their deficiencies. Although just attending the BIO Convention is a great advantage, special trainings have been planned so that our companies can go to the US more prepared. Once there, they knew what kind of environment they would encounter, the expectations of the international investors and what was expected from them. The life sciences focus of the BIO Convention program provided participants with unique opportunities to establish a wide range of global contacts.

Thanks to this focused program for startups, AIFD has started to play a constructive role this time in the basic research phase, in addition to its contribution of pharmaceutical R&D in the field of clinical research.

The BIO Startup Program (, developed and enriched in 2020, was postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic measures that started in March. At this point, we decided to use the BIO Startup experience in a special program to support the fight against Covid-19, and we inaugurated the BIO Startup Corona Sprint Program with the support of the Istanbul Development Agency and in partnership with TUSEB (

The project, which aims to provide solutions to the problems related to COVID-19 by the startups, was completed after a two-month uninterrupted marathon. Following the stages of the start-up’s participation in BIO Digital, Needs Analysis Workshops, Sprint Process and Evaluation Meetings, the solution roadmaps developed by 16 startups to the problems related to COVID-19 were evaluated. A monitoring and tracking mechanism was established to meet all the identified needs.

Corona Sprint Program Activities and Outcomes The detailed activities and outcomes of the of the two months long (from June 8 to August 8, 2020) BIO Startup CoronaSprint Project that was organised using sprint methodology, are presented below.