The importance of the Ethics and Compliance in healthcare industries and the infusion of trust to the general public and the regulatory authorities was evident again, with the sudden advent of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the roof of AIFD (the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical
Companies), there are three building blocks in this area:

  1. Ethics & Compliance Strategic Management Committee (E & C SMC), reporting to AIFD Board;
  2. Ethics & Compliance Good Practices Group, (E& C GP(GPP)); composed of three members from each company, a forum where all participants freely bring to floor new issues and solution proposals to be discussed at SMC, where compliance issues arising from daily practice are re-visited and new approaches are investigated referring to TITCK Promotion Regulation, AIFD Code of Promotion, IFPMA and EFPIA principles and the CPP decisions;
  3. The Code of Practice Panel (CPP), on which the actions and activities alleged to be contrary to AIFD Principles are dealt with when referred.
Main decisions of the E&C SMC and E&C GP:
In 2020, E & C SMC and E&C GP (GPP) each held monthly regular meetings and several ad hoc meetings to address emerging issues during COVID-19 confinement, and several web based meetings with TITCK.
  • In April 2020, upon the request of the Ministry of Health, E&C SMC quickly collected a list of protective equipment and urgently needed items requested by the clinics and healthcare units in Turkey and effectively contributed to an efficient distribution system of such material all over Turkey.
  • To comply with the emergent issues due to COVID-19 related restrictions and restraints, E&C SMC management went beyond the usual business and held several meetings with ARTED (Association of Research Based of the Medical Technology Manufacturers/ Araştırmacı Tıp Teknolojileri Üreticileri Derneği), with the Platform of Medical Congress Organisers and the Platform of Medical Healthcare Associations.
  • To develop a solid virtual congress and digital meetings guideline, E&C SMC is currently together with the Congress Organisers Platform and the Medical Associations platform working to prepare a draft guideline document to be submitted to TITCK in early 2021.
  • A Guidance document for the interactions of member companies with patient organisations and patients was prepared and approved by the AIFD Board in October 2020.
  • Going beyond the EFPIA July 2020 decision to ban hospitality (meals, drinks) in third party organized virtual congresses, AIFD Board decided to ban hospitality in all virtual meetings during the pandemic period.
  • As mandated by EFPIA, AIFD member companies will follow as per January 1st, 2021 the evaluation of European Congress Vetting System for international medical meetings and congresses, as do ARTED members.